©Johnstone Supply eCatalog 216
HeatMaster™ Ultra 80°C Ambient Condenser Fan Motors PSC, 48 Frame, Totally Enclosed Air Over Applications: • For use with head pressure/speed controls Features: • Automatic thermal protection • Three-Year Warranty
• Double sealed ball bearing with high temperature synthetic grease • Water-resistant reversing plug • 48" color coded high temperature leads for easy identification and installation • Mounts by belly band, adjustable extended thru-bolts, or Rheem/Trane mounting holes, with screws supplied
• UL and CSA approved Class F Insulation achieves superior dielectric strength for long thermal life
Shaft Diam.
Shaft Length Rot.
Capacitor To Match
Order # Mfg. #
RPM Speeds F/L Amps Efficiency
“A” Dim. Bearing Type Wt. Lbs.
825 RPM S82-023
FE1028SU 5-5/8" 1/4
208-230 825
1 1 1
1.20 65% 1/2" 1.80 65% 1/2" 1.60 65% 1/2" 1.90 65% 1/2" 0.90 65% 1/2" 1.90 65% 1/2" 2.50 65% 1/2" 1.20 65% 1/2" 3.80 65% 1/2" 1.50 65% 1/2" 5.10 65% 1/2"
6-1/2" 6-1/2" 6-1/2" 6-1/2" 6-1/2" 6-1/2" 6-1/2" 6-1/2" 6-1/2" 6-1/2" 6-1/2"
Rev. 4.61" Rev. 4.86" Rev. 5.11" Rev. 4.36" Rev. 4.74" Rev. 4.11" Rev. 4.86" Rev. 5.24" Rev. 5.36"
Dbl-Sld Ball 15.0 G21-930 Dbl-Sld Ball 15.8 G21-933 Dbl-Sld Ball 15.3 G21-933 Dbl-Sld Ball 13.0 G21-930 Dbl-Sld Ball 12.7 G21-933 Dbl-Sld Ball 11.8 G21-933 Dbl-Sld Ball 15.9 G21-933 Dbl-Sld Ball 15.4 G21-933 Dbl-Sld Ball 18.0 G21-891
499.00 395.00 575.00 339.00 559.00 315.00 359.00 595.00 399.00 655.00 475.00
S82-033 ORM5488BU 5-5/8" 1/3-1/8 208-230 825
S82-024 FE1038SU 5-5/8" 1/3 1075 RPM S82-026 FE1026SU 5-5/8" 1/4 S82-030 FEH1026SU 5-5/8" 1/4
208-230 825
208-230 1075 1
1075 1
S82-034 ORM5458BU 5-5/8" 1/3-1/6 208-230 1075 1
S82-027 S82-031
FE1036SU 5-5/8" 1/3 FEH1036SU 5-5/8" 1/3
208-230 1075 1
1075 1
S82-028 FE1056SU 5-5/8" 1/2
208-230 1075 1
FEH1056SU 5-5/8" 1/2
1075 1
Rev. 5.61 Dbl-Sld Ball 18.3 G21-891
S82-029 FE1076SU 5-5/8" 3/4
208-230 1075 1
Rev. 5.61"
Dbl-Sld Ball 18.3 G21-897
HeatMaster™ High Temperature Condenser Fan Motors PSC, 48 Frame, Totally Enclosed Air Over Applications: • Replaces motors in units by Carrier/Bryant and others Features: • 70°C ambient • Three year warranty • Single-speed • Sleeve or ball bearing
• Large high-temperature nylon glass-filled shaft slinger for bearing protection; keeps water and dirt out of motor bearings • 36” color coded high temperature leads for easy identification and installation • Easy to remove drain plugs in both end frames allow accumulated condensation to be expelled quickly
• UL and CSA approved Class F insulation achieves superior dielectric strength for long thermal life
Shaft Diam.
Shaft Length Rot.
Capacitor To Match
Order # Mfg. #
RPM Speeds F/L Amps Efficiency
“A” Dim.
Bearing Type Wt. Lbs.
825 RPM S81-288
ORM5484BF 5-5/8" 1/8-1/15 208-230 825 1 ORM5488BF 5-5/8" 1/3-1/8 208-230 825 1
0.80 65% 1/2" 2.10 65% 1/2" 1.00 65% 1/2" 1.10 65% 1/2" 1.50 65% 1/2" 1.00 61% 1/2" 2.10 65% 1/2" 2.50 65% 1/2" 0.80 58% 1/2" 1.40 65% 1/2" 2.00 65% 1/2" 1.00 65% 1/2" 2.80 65% 1/2" 1.30 65% 1/2" 1.20 63% 1/2" 2.00 65% 1/2" 4.00 65% 1/2" 3.60 65% 1/2" 1.50 65% 1/2" 1.50 65% 1/2" 5.10 65% 1/2" 2.20 65% 1/2" 2.50 65% 1/2"
6-1/2" Rev. 6-1/2" Rev. 6-1/2" Rev. 6-1/2" Rev. 6-1/2" Rev. 6-1/2" Rev. 6-1/2" Rev. 6-1/2" Rev. 6-1/2" Rev. 6-1/2" Rev. 6-1/2" Rev. 6-1/2" Rev. 6-1/2" Rev. 6-1/2" Rev. 6-1/2" Rev. 6-1/2" Rev. 6-1/2" Rev. 6-1/2" Rev. 6-1/2" Rev. 6-1/2" Rev. 6-1/2" Rev. 6-1/2" Rev. 6-1/2" Rev.
6-1/2" 4-7/8"
11.6 G21-930
319.00 365.00 425.00 455.00 445.00 675.00 515.00 515.00 315.00 285.00 295.00 559.00 325.00 595.00 595.00 305.00 359.00 425.00 775.00 655.00 399.00 735.00 669.00
Dbl-Sld Ball 15.8 G21-933 Dbl-Sld Ball 11.3 G21-930
S80-329 FE1008SF 5-5/8" 1/8 S80-330 FE1018SF 5-5/8" 1/6
208-230 825 1 208-230 825 1 208-230 825 1
4" 4"
Dbl-Sld Ball 11.1
S80-331 S81-290 S80-332 S81-662
FE1028SF 5-5/8" 1/4
4-11/16" Dbl-Sld Ball 15.0 G21-930
ORM4688BF 5-5/8" 1/3-1/8 460
825 1
5-1/8" 5-1/8"
16.6 G21-933
FE1038SF 5-5/8" 1/3
208-230 825 1
Dbl-Sld Ball 15.3 G21-933 Dbl-Sld Ball 18.0 G21-891
ORM5489BF 5-5/8" 1/2-1/5 208-230 825 1
5 61/100"
S80-333 FE1058SF 5-5/8" 1/2
208-230 825 1
5-5/8" Dbl-Sld Ball 15.4 G21-891
1075 RPM S81-289
ORM5454BF 5-5/8" 1/8-1/15 208-230 1075 1
10.6 G21-930
S80-120 S80-121
FE1016SF 5-5/8" 1/6 FE1026SF 5-5/8" 1/4
208-230 1075 1 208-230 1075 1
3-15/16" Dbl-Sld Ball 10.6 G21-930 4-9/16" Dbl-Sld Ball 13.0 G21-930
S80-334 FEH1026SF 5-5/8" 1/4
1075 1
4-3/4" 4-7/8" 5-1/4" 4-7/8" 4-1/8"
Dbl-Sld Ball 12.7 G21-933 Dbl-Sld Ball 15.9 G21-933 Dbl-Sld Ball 15.4 G21-933
FE1036SF 5-5/8" 1/3
208-230 1075 1
S80-335 FEH1036SF 5-5/8" 1/3
1075 1 1075 1
S81-291 S80-126 S80-123 S81-663 S81-664
ORM4658BF 5-5/8" 1/3-1/8 460
13.4 G21-933
ORM5458BF 5-5/8" 1/3-1/6 208-230 1075 1
Dbl-Sld Ball 11.8 G21-933
FE1056SF 5-5/8" 1/2
208-230 1075 1
5-9/16" Dbl-Sld Ball 18.0 G21-891 5-9/25" Dbl-Sld Ball 17.0 G21-891 4-43/50" Dbl-Sld Ball 19.0 G21-891 5-9/16" Dbl-Sld Ball 19.0 G21-891 5-5/8" Dbl-Sld Ball 18.3 G21-897
ORM5459BF 5-5/8" 1/2-1/6 208-230 1075 1
ORM4659BF 5-5/8" 1/2-1/5 460
1075 1 1075 1
S80-336 FEH1056SF 5-5/8" 1/2
S80-124 S80-337
FE1076SF 5-5/8" 3/4 FEH1076SF 5-5/8" 3/4
208-230 1075 1
1075 1
Dbl-Sld Ball 21.1 G21-891
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